In the case of rental Laser Pointer , the renter and the staff must be educated as to the laser and its delivery systems, accessory equipment, mechanism of action, all safety measures, and minor troubleshooting. Clinicians should insist on comprehensive staff training in order to meet standards, but also, because regardless of what equipment is being used, or who owns the equipment, the professional staff is still responsible for patient advocacy, management and safety.
The footswitch for activating the laser must be given only to the credentialed laser user. Position all other footswitch activated devices away from the laser and clearly indicate to the user, which pedal is for the 50mw Green Laser , and which ones are for other devices. Accidental activation of the pedal is one of the most commonly reported accidents.
Class 3b and Class 4 lasers, have the potential to damage the eye through both direct and reflected impact, and should NEVER be operated without first assessing the need for proper protective eyewear.
The latest generation of high-powered laser pointers may seem like a fun Christmas gift, but experts caution consumers to weigh the potential harm.Sold online for as little as $20, some Green Star Laser Pointer 10mW offer a brightness about 10,000 times stronger than looking at the sun, warn eye-safety experts. At that power, they exceed Food and Drug Administration 5-milliwatt power limits on manufacturers selling laser pointers to consumers.
A milliwatt is one-thousandth of a watt, and although 5 milliwatts is just a fraction of what's needed to power even a household light bulb, laser engraving machine pack their punch by concentrating light into a single beam. Meanwhile, pointers are now being sold with as much as 700 milliwatts of power.

"These devices are hazardous and some are being sold as party toys," says photonics professor Thomas Baer of Stanford University. The worldwide compact disc and DVD boom has led to improved lasers that can generate a powerful beam with small batteries, produced by low- cost overseas manufacturers, he says.
"Higher and higher power lasers are going to be with us in the future," says laser safety expert Casey Stack of Laser Compliance in Centerville, Utah. "We need to start a discussion about public safety."